Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Magnolia
Schools app! The same district app now offers class
streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher
chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin
using this feature in our app after 12/20/23.
Download for Android http://bit.ly/2urvzf2
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/30Xngny

Digital Photography Students had to create a "Christmas Mini Photoshoot" in class the last few weeks! Students created a pricing sheet, ad, and backdrop and had students "purchase" their session to take Christmas photos!

Mrs. Jean and her students learned about teamwork by building a gingerbread house together.

The love of reading is contagious, and learning opportunities abound when schools and communities partner together to focus on building a culture of reading for their students, families, and community. Because of their outstanding school/community collaboration, the Arkansas Department of Education recently recognized seven cities as R.I.S.E Communities for 2022-2023.
ADE’s Reading Initiative for Student Excellence, or R.I.S.E. Arkansas program, encourages reading beyond just the classroom and sets a goal to create communities and schools that promote a culture of reading for residents of all ages.
To be eligible for the recognition, schools and communities submitted a letter of commitment, developed an action plan, and provided a portfolio that showed evidence of implementation throughout the year. Applications were then scored using a rubric. There was one factor that each recognized community had in common: dedication to promoting the love of reading.
The only community and district to be recognized a Gold-Level winner twice is Magnolia. Magnolia submitted the maximum number of ten literacy events in their application for the award. These events promoted the importance of creating a culture and love of reading and collaboration among the schools and community. Friday, December 8, a celebration was held at the Magnolia Performing Arts Center. Representatives from the Arkansas Department of Education presented Superintendent John Ward, District Curriculum Coordinator Penny Talley, and the state and community partners with the award.
The District appreciates the support provided by the community and businesses of Magnolia. Without the donated funds and time from these collaborating partners, the literacy events and winning the R.I.S.E. Community Award would not be possible.

📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/7am5z87CkCFxvAT5/?mibextid=WC7FNe

Mrs. Vann's class joined Mrs. Jean and her students in flex today with some Christmas games!

MHS Semester Test Schedule
All tests should be taken on assigned days, as scheduled. Any makeup test should be taken on Wednesday, December 20th from 8-10 am. This is for emergency purposes only. If an emergency arises, the administration should be notified as soon as possible at 870-234-2610.

Are you a current 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade student interested in a career in pharmacy? Check out this opportunity!

MHS 10-12 November Guide for Life Winners are 12th grader, Khakyria Thompson and 11th grader, Kershana Coffman. Students were asked to describe things they could not control, things that could influence their choices, and things they could control. These students were drawn as winners from those who participated in the activity. They received a Happy Meal or McDonald's gift card as their prize! Congratulations!


MHS Basketball is back! Come wearing your white tonight to cheer on the Panthers as they play their first game at home! JV boys will start at 6 p.m. followed by the Varsity team. Make sure to tune in to PanthersTV! https://youtube.com/@PanthersTV?si=MsC2vE4iYu4KGZ7e

Congratulations to our Teacher of the Month for November, Mrs. Katie Herren! "Mrs. Herren works very hard to create engaging, hands-on lessons. She is very intentional about meeting individual student needs, whether they are struggling or needing to be challenged. Mrs. Herren is always willing to provide extra support to students even outside of class time, and she is a great team player within the math department." Thank you, Mrs. Herren, for all that you do!

Congratulations to our Junior Students of the Month for November!

Congratulations to our Sophomore Students of the Month for November!

Congratulations to our Senior Students of the Month for November!

Congratulations to our Freshman Students of the Month for November!

Some of Coach Lowe's students have started to volunteer to help keep drivers and students safe at MHS in the mornings by directing traffic. Thank you for serving your community!

MHS Cheer hit the mat in Lake Hamilton for a tough competition yesterday! They made it to finals and finished in the top 3! Way to go ladies!

MHS Seniors, apply for the Taco Bell Live Mas scholarship!

Happy Thanksgiving Break Panthers!
We will see you back on the MHS campus on Monday, November 27th.