Congratulations to our 12th-Grade Students of the Month for November!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
12th students of the month- Romero Frazier and Madelyn Garcia
Congratulations to our 11th-Grade Students of the Month for November!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Carter Davis & Jayla Lambert November 11th grade students of the month!
Congratulations to our 10th-Grade Students of the Month for November!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Samuel Williams and Kershana Coffman 10th Grade  Students of the Month for November
Congratulations to our 9th-Grade Students of the Month for November!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Mckenzie Atkins & Dejuan Dismuke 9th Grade Students of the Month for November
Congratulations to our students who had perfect attendance for November!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
November Perfect Attendance
Our students participate at the SCSC Rubik’s Cube Competition today! Landon Heinze won 1st place in the solo competition and MHS won 2nd in the team competition.
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
cube competition
cube competition group photo
cube solo winner
Parents and Students, if you paid for a class ring from Jostens, they will be on campus next week for pick-up.
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Class Rings are here! Pick up in the media center during your lunch on December 6th.
Here are a few of the upcoming events that are happening at MHS this December!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
MHS Upcoming events: 12-6-class ring pick up, 12-7-SR ACT workkeys exam, 12-13-band concert, 12-15-choir concert, 12/19-21 semester  exams, 12-22 Home basketball game
MHS Seniors and Parents! Your student will have the opportunity to gain their Career Readiness Certificate on Wedesday, December 7th, 2022 at 8:00 a.m.
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Work Keys test showcases your childs ability to be career ready.
Tonight, November 29th, Panther Basketball will open up its season against Crossett at Panther Arena. 9th Grade Boys will begin at 6, followed by Varsity Boys. The Varsity game will be live-streamed by PanthersTV. Live Stream:
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Panther Basketball Tonight!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at 9th Grade Academy!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Decorating the Christmas tree
Decorating the Christmas tree
Decorating the Christmas tree
Decorating the Christmas tree
*Mentor Spotlight* Donnell Ford is over Mentorship at MHS. Mr. Ford says, "I want to give back to others what an education gave to me." He also served 22 years in the Army National Guard and is the Pastor of Full Faith Community Baptist Church. Thank you Mr. Ford for all you do for our students at MHS!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Donnell Ford: Educator Spotlight
Magnolia High School is pleased to announce that senior Maggie McDonald has been named a 2023 Coca-Cola Scholar Semifinalist! Through a selection process based on academic excellence, leadership, and service demonstrated in both school and community activities, only 1,557 students were selected from over 91,000 applicants from across the nation to become a semifinalist. McDonald is currently submitting her Semifinalist application to be reviewed by the Program Reading Committee. After this review, 250 students will advance as Regional Finalists, with 150 becoming Coca-Cola Scholars and receiving $20,000 college scholarships. The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is the largest corporate-sponsored, achievement-based scholarship program in the United States. The program has provided more than 6,500 Coke Scholars nationwide with over $76 million in scholarships since 1986. Congratulations, Maggie!!!
over 2 years ago, Jill Callicott
Maggie McDonald
Congratulations to the 10-12 Guide for Life Winners for November. Students participated in a drawing by describing what traits they have when it comes to being a good friend. Elizabeth Carson (12th grade), Shakyria Thompson (11th grade), and Landon Heinze (10th grade) received a Happy Meal of their choice for their prize.
over 2 years ago, Mary Heinze
November Guide for Life Winners for November!
Yearbooks are on sale for $50. Get your book ordered Today! You may order by visiting Mrs. Fish in room 36 on campus or by going to You don't want to miss out on owning your piece of Magnolia High School History. How many pages will you be featured on this year?
over 2 years ago, Rachel Fish
You can now order and purchase online. Campus delivery is available for teachers and staff! Check it out here:
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Panther Plaza: Online shopping now open!
KATE SLAYTON-BUNNER SIGNS WITH SAU TRACK AND FIELD PROGRAM Magnolia High School senior, Kate Slayton-Bunner, signed a letter-of-intent with the Southern Arkansas University track & field program on Wednesday, November 16 in the MHS Media Center. While competing at the junior high level, Slayton-Bunner was a two-time conference champion. She was also conference champion during her sophomore and junior seasons as a member of the Lady Panthers. During the last two track seasons, she was part of a 4x800 relay team that won two conference championships and was also a two-time state champion in the 800m run. So far during her short track career, Kate has scored 170 points in individual running events and has never been beaten in the 800m at a senior high conference meet. She played an important part in helping the Lady Panthers win 4A State Runners-up title.
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Slayton-Bunner signs with SAU Track Program
Seniors: It is time for senior recognition ads. You can either bring pictures and money to Mrs. Fish on campus in room 36 or you may create and pay for your ad at Ads and money are due No Later Than December 11, 2022. For more information you may email
over 2 years ago, Rachel Fish
Come and support our students this weekend!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Theater Student Showcase: 11-18/19-22 @ 7:00 in the MPAC BlackBox Theater- Admission is Free!
MHS Faculty would like to thank Jimmy Johns in Magnolia Arkansas for providing delicious sandwiches for dinner during Parent Teacher Conferences this week!
over 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Thank you Jimmy Johns for providing dinner during parent teacher conferences this week!