Important yearbook and picture information!
Picture day for grades 9th-11th is September 6 in the arena.
Yearbooks are available to purchase now. Please go to www.jostens.com to purchase your yearbook or you may order your book from Mrs. Fish in room 36. Books are $50. Price will increase on September 23 to $55. Order early for the best price!
Senior parents, grandparents, etc-senior ads are available to be made now as well. You MUST go online to www.jostens.com to create and pay for your senior ad. Online is the only way to purchase a senior ad this year! You will be able to choose your pictures, colors and put your text how you would like it to look. Senior ads are due no later than December 7, 2023 so mark your calendar and get those senior ads in now. Please do not wait to get your senior an ad as space is limited this year!
Ad prices are as follows: (please note this is before tax which is collected through jostens.com)
1/8 page (business card size) $65
1/4 page $125
1/2 page $195
full page is $295
Yearbook is running a special right now for anyone who did not purchase a book last year (22-23). If you would like to purchase last year's book at a discounted price, you may order this years book either online or through Mrs. Fish and purchase last year's book for only $25. That is a savings of 50%. Last year's book can only be purchased from Mrs. Fish and you must purchase this year's book in order to take advantage of the special sale price. **sale price only applies to last year's yearbook--not the current year's book**
If you have any questions or would like more information please email yearbook@magnoliaschools.net

First home football game is this Friday, August 25th at Panther Stadium. Wear your best beach attire, and let's cheer on our Panthers to victory! Game will begin at 8pm.

Many of you are aware that Arkansas Transition Services, along with Career and Technical Education and the University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech College, hosted the Inclusion Films Film Camp in Arkansas to provide a one-week, short film camp for students with disabilities in April 2023. MHS's very own Savion Tidwell will be showcasing his short film! The Premiere will be October 3rd, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. This exciting event will take place at the UAPTC CHARTS Theater in Little Rock.

Students in Mrs. Carter's Calculus class came up with expectations for themselves, their classmates, their teacher, and Calculus this year.

Check out AP Bio and Accelerated Bio sampling data from "Panther Pond" to refresh on graphing skills, practice data collection, and discuss why fish samples are taken by the Game and Fish Commission! Pt 1 of pics!

Students in Mrs. Rowe's Accelerated Biology class worked on engineering practices and communication skills on Tuesday! They were tasked with designing a mechanism that would allow each of them to help stack cups without touching them with their hands - they could only use the rubber bands they were given.

Make plans now to dress up and show your Panther Spirit at our home football games this year!

Magnolia Home Access Center (HAC)
HAC has a new URL address. Please go to http://hac23.esp.k12.ar.us to access your HAC account using your existing login credentials.

MHS enjoyed Flying Burger today thanks to Arkansas National Guard SSS Kueriayokee Love. Thank you for taking care of lunch for our faculty and sharing with us how the Army National Guard can support our students in the classroom this year!

Meet the Teacher is happening tomorrow at MHS! Before you tour the school, it is very important that you pick up a NEW schedule in the front office, because a few changes have been made. We can't wait to see you all back on campus!

AP/CC Student & Parent Night is TONIGHT!
IMPORTANT: There is a location change and this event will now be in the Panther Cafe.

New medical CNA certification courses will be starting Aug 14th at MHS campus and offered through SAU Tech. This course is the exactly same certification that is offered for all adults anywhere in the US. The certification course is offered to Juniors and Seniors on Magnolia High School Campus and is a year-long course. Successful CNA candidates in the course will have the opportunity to earn State of Ark Certification and the Federal Registry of the certification. Opportunities for employment are available upon successful CNA Certification. Parents or upcoming juniors or seniors interested in CNA certification can contact MHS counselors or Lisa Beard at 870-904-5499 for more information.

Meet the Teacher Day - Friday, August 11 - 9:00 AM - Noon
First Day of School - Monday, August 14
Click Here to View the District Calendar and Events: https://5il.co/21ilf

Just a reminder that AP/CC student and parent night is happening this Thursday, August 10th! Make plans to come and speak with our teachers about their course offerings. Below is a list of all of the courses. We can't wait to see you there!
Mancil-AP Lang/ AP lit
Carter-AP Calculus
Herren-AP Statisties / College Algebra
Rowe-AP Biology
Jackson-AP Chemistry
Muldrew-AP Environmental Science
Harris- US History CC
Scrivner-AP Art
Ward - Intro to Education CC
Nix-Educational Tech CC
Beard - CNA CC SAU Tech
Spence- Business CC SAU Tech

MHS is excited to host an AP & Concurrent Credit night for students and parents! Thursday night, August 10th, all of our wonderful AP/CC teachers will be set up in the Media Center to talk more about their programs of study, and the expectations pertaining to their class for this school year. We hope this night will spark interest in our advance class offerings, and answer any questions about these courses for parents and students. This event is come and go, and will begin at 6pm. We hope to see you there!

Wentworth Place - Back to School Bash
August 4, 2023
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
38 Warnock Springs Road
Bounce Houses - Blood Drive - Sno Cones - Hot Dogs for Kids
Free T-Shirts for first 100 kids

MHS Students and Parents:

Attention 2024 Seniors!
If you have not received anything about senior pictures, please click the following link: https://prestigeportraits.com/
Once you click the link, you will choose that you do not have a special code. Choose the city and state of the school, then on the next screen choose Magnolia High School and enter the student's name. Then it will pull up your unique code and ask if you want to schedule your appointment. Hope this helps!

Attention, incoming Freshmen and parents:

If you have not booked already, please take the time to schedule and confirm your senior picture appointment now!