PANTHER PANTRY WRAPS UP FIRST YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY The Panther Pantry at East Side Elementary officially wrapped up its first year of service to children and their families in our community. Panther Pantry is a food pantry housed at East Side Elementary School that provides nutritious family meals and snack bags to students and their families to help bridge the food insecurity gap over the weekends. Even though the Panther Pantry is housed on the East Side campus, it has served students from all other Magnolia School District schools by supplementing these campuses as needs occurred. East Side had a dream to provide their students and families with a little more food security over the weekend. During the first year of operation, 1,736 meals and 612 snack bags were sent home with students from the District. The success of this program would not have been possible without the support of the Magnolia community, Panther Partners, Partners in Education, East Side staff, volunteers, Magnolia High School coaching staff, and head volunteer and organizer, Amy Sisson. East Side thanks everyone involved in a program that helped bridge the gap and hopes that you will continue to support and be a part of Panther Pantry the upcoming school year. One of the Panther Pantry Parents said it best......."Thank you for putting smiles in homes where they might not have as many reasons to smile."
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
SUMMER MEALS TO BE PROVIDED The Magnolia School District will run their Summer Meal Program from June 5 - July 20. Meals can be picked up at Central Elementary School cafeteria Monday - Thursday from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Summer Meal Program
The Dr. John Moore PACE Award was created to recognize a High School teacher each year for their excellence in education. PACE stands for Passion, Attitude, Courage, and Excellence. This year's recipient is Mrs Keri Hamilton, 10-12 English teacher. Congratulations, Mrs. Hamilton for this well-deserved honor!
almost 2 years ago, Misty Ward
Semester Tests begin Wednesday at MHS! Also, NO students are being checked in/out during exam days. Once they’ve taken their exam, after the bell they must exit campus. Some students may have serval tests in one day that’s spread out throughout the day, these students must go to Study Hall located in Café. As for students that may have to ride the bus they should remain in the study hall until the end of the day at 3:19.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Test Schedule
Thank you, Mrs. Ladner for all you do for our students at MHS!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Educator Spotlight: Melanie Ladner
Come check out our Drama Club performance! 🎭
almost 2 years ago, Misty Ward
*Teacher Spotlight* Jodi Waters is the work-based learning and testing coordinator at MHS. Mrs. Waters says, "My why for becoming an educator is to help students figure their journey out. I have a strong responsibility to help others and God has called me into this profession to help students understand that no matter what life gives you, there is someone always there to help you reach your potential. Working with others is such a huge part of who I am. I have loved every student that has ever walked through the doors of my classroom. It is an honor to get to work with children and I am so thankful for the opportunities to get to be a part of the lives of our students." Thank you Mrs. Waters for all you do for our students at MHS!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Educator Spotlight: Jodi Waters
MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNOUNCES LAST DAY SCHEDULE CHANGE The Magnolia School District will make the following scheduling changes to the last day of school on June 2. • All students in the District will be dismissed from school at 1:30 pm. Bus schedules will be adjusted the run at 1:30. • A district-wide staff meeting will be held at 2:00 in the Performing Arts Center on the Magnolia High School campus. • Superintendent John Ward will address the faculty at that time. Other items include the recognition of this year’s retirees and acknowledgement of the Teachers of the Year from each campus and the 2023 District Teacher of the Year.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Last Day of School Announcement
Congratulations to our teacher of the month for April, Angela Vann! She is a very hard worker and a dedicated employee. She is flexible and easy-going and is always willing to do anything that is asked of her with a smile on her face. She is always there to provide extra support for those who need it, but she also pushes students to reach their full potential.  Mrs. Vann is a huge asset to our school and we appreciate all that she does!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Teacher of the Month- Angela Vann
Congratulations to our 12th-Grade Students of the Month for April!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
12th students of the month
Congratulations to our 11th-Grade Students of the Month for April!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
11th students of the month
Congratulations to our 10th-Grade Students of the Month for April!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
!0th- Students of the month
Congratulations to our 9th-Grade Students of the Month for April!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
9th- Student of the month
Summer School Courses are for credit recovery purposes and students may enroll only in those courses in which they have made an F. Sixty hours of instruction are required to earn a half semester of course credit. To register, please complete the given paperwork that was sent home with your child and return it to the high school office. If you have any questions regarding the summer school program, please call Mr. Sanders at (870) 234-2610.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
MHS Summer School
New Military Child e-newsletter The Arkansas Council for Military Children announces the start up of a free monthly e-newsletter! The first edition of the e-newsletter is expected to be sent out in June 2023. Click the link below to subscribe to the newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Military Child Newsletter
Join us this evening at Panther Arena to celebrate the MHS Class of 2023! Doors open at 6:15 with the ceremony beginning at 7:00.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Congrats MHS Class of 2023
We at Magnolia High School need your support to make the commencement exercises a professional, reverent, and honorable event.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
MHS Commencement Reminders
Juniors, Kevin Carter and Rawlin Howell worked hard to make sure the chairs were perfectly placed in Panther Arean in preparation for the 2023 Graduation Ceremony. These two guys are awesome examples of the Spirit of MHS! Always a great day to be a Panther!
almost 2 years ago, Mary Heinze
Juniors Kevin Cater and Rawlin Howell have been busy making sure every chair is perfectly place for The 2023 Graduation  Commencement Ceremony
Don't forget about the free athletic physicals happening today at Panther Arena! Transportation will be provided if needed for incoming 7th & current 7th/8th grade athletes at the end of 7th period from the Middle School, and parents will be responsible for pick-up @ Panther Arena. Physical forms were sent home last week, and the medical history page must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian before arriving. Any further questions, please contact Magnolia Athletic Trainer, John Caston @ (870) 901-2584.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Athletic Physicals
Thank you Partners in Education for providing cookies and cokes today for our teachers and gift cards for a few of our teachers this week! Thank you for all you do to support teachers!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
partners in education gift card winners