Central Arkansas Development Council USDA Commodities Distribution Click here for information: https://5il.co/1fcih
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Schedule Pickup
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
schedule pickup
A NOTE FROM YOUR COUNSELORS: The master schedule at MHS is built based on student course requests and doesn’t allow much “wiggle room” for schedule changes. If your schedule differs from your course requests, your counselor made changes based on updates/changes to course offerings and/or your need to meet graduation requirements. Counselors will be in professional development meetings August 15-19. Students who believe an error has been made in the scheduling process (Examples: you are in English II and should be in English III; you do not have a math class; you have a period missing from your schedule and are not assigned to any class) should email their counselor as soon as possible for questions/corrections. Sign-ups for other schedule change requests can be done in the counselors’ office during August 29-September 2. Printed schedules will be available at the front office of your building on the following dates (or any day thereafter): ​12th grade​Tuesday, August 9 ​11th grade​Wednesday, August 10 ​10th grade​Thursday, August 11 ​9th grade​Thursday, August 11 Any schedules not picked up before then will be available the first day of school. Please use your phone to take a picture of your schedule so that you will have a copy for Friday, August 19 (Meet the Teacher) and to refer to between classes once school begins.
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
Magnolia Schools Substitute Teacher Training August 8th 9AM - 12PM Magnolia Admin Board Room For info on how to apply click below! https://jobs.willsubplus.com/jobs?districtIds=620&selectedJobPostingId=2052
over 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia Substitute Training
IMPORTANT for Juniors Planning to Take AP Lang…. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 AP Language & Composition will be a concurrent class through SAU for the 2022-2023 school year. Instruction will be provided via Blackboard and an MHS teacher will serve as facilitator. To enroll in the course, students MUST have the qualifying scores (19 on the ACT in Reading and English OR 251 on the Accuplacer Next Generation in Reading and Writing. Students without these scores will be placed in regular English III. If you don't already have the required scores, please contact the SAU Testing Department at (870) 235-4145. TELL THEM YOU ARE AN MHS STUDENT and want to schedule an Accuplacer exam. Prior to your test, google Accuplacer Next Generation English and/or Accuplacer Next Generation Writing (comparable to the ACT Reading) and complete some practice exams. Test dates currently available at SAU are: Friday, July 29 Wednesday, August 3 (limited slots) Friday, August 5 (limited slots) Wednesday, August 10 (limited slots) Friday, August 12 We are trying to arrange an additional test date (with bus transportation provided) the first week of school. However, to increase the number of times you can test and your chances of obtaining the required scores, students are encouraged to schedule a test date as soon as possible. Jill Callicott, Counselor Magnolia High School 1400 High School Drive P. O. Box 649 Magnolia, AR 71753
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
10th-12th Grade Students: Please make sure that your laptop is working properly. If you are having any issues, please bring it to the tech department ASAP!!! The campus will be closed on Friday, July 29, but beginning Monday, August 1st, we will be open every day. Please take care of this so that your computer will be ready to go when school starts.
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
Important information for students enrolled in, or requesting to enroll in, Plane Trig/College Algebra: I am proud of you for choosing Plane Trig/College Algebra for your math credit this fall. To take the class, you must have a 19 in both the Math and Reading subtests of the ACT. If you do not have those scores, SAU has agreed to allow you to take an alternate test called the Accuplacer Next Generation. The Accuplacer is an untimed computerized exam. You can take one or more parts of it in one sitting. The first attempt is FREE to MHS students and additional attempts are $10/test. If you don't already have a score of 19 in Math and Reading, please contact the SAU Testing Department at (870) 235-4145. TELL THEM YOU ARE A MHS STUDENT and want to schedule an Accuplacer exam. Prior to your test, google Accuplacer Next Generation Math and/or Accuplacer Next Generation Writing (comparable to the ACT Reading) and complete some practice exams. Test dates currently available at SAU are: Wednesday, July 20 Wednesday, July 27 Friday, July 29 Wednesday, August 3 (limited slots) Friday, August 5 (limited slots) Wednesday, August 10 (limited slots) Friday, August 12 SAU concurrent credit will benefit you in three ways: (1) You will earn six hours of college credit that is required for almost every college degree; (2) Your tuition is FREE; and (3) your SAU credit will transfer to almost every state-run university. If you or your parents have questions, please feel free to contact me. (TEAMS, jcallicott@magnoliaschools.net, or call 901-2535) Jill Callicott, Counselor Magnolia High School 1400 High School Drive P. O. Box 649 Magnolia, AR 71753
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
Important information for juniors enrolled in AP Language & Composition: You are academically ready to enroll in "AP Lang" and I am proud of you for choosing it for your English credit this fall. I hope that each of you will qualify to receive CONCURRENT COLLEGE credit as well! To do so, you must have a 19 in both the English and Reading subtests of the ACT. If you do not have those scores, SAU has agreed to allow you to take an alternate test called the Accuplacer Next Generation. The Accuplacer is an untimed computerized exam. You can take one or more parts of it in one sitting. The first attempt is FREE to MHS students and additional attempts are $10/test. If you don't already have a score of 19 in English and Reading, please contact the SAU Testing Department at (870) 235-4145. TELL THEM YOU ARE A MHS STUDENT and want to schedule an Accuplacer exam. Prior to your test, google Accuplacer Next Generation English and/or Accuplacer Next Generation Writing (comparable to the ACT Reading) and complete some practice exams. Test dates currently available at SAU are: Wednesday, July 20 Wednesday, July 27 Friday, July 29 Wednesday, August 3 (limited slots) Friday, August 5 (limited slots) Wednesday, August 10 (limited slots) Friday, August 12 SAU concurrent credit will benefit you in three ways: (1) You will earn six hours of college credit that is required for almost every college degree; (2) Your tuition is FREE; and (3) your SAU credit will transfer to almost every state-run university. If you or your parents have questions, please feel free to contact me. (TEAMS, jcallicott@magnoliaschools.net, or call 901-2535) Jill Callicott, Counselor Magnolia High School 1400 High School Drive P. O. Box 649 Magnolia, AR 71753
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
Sarah Story --- Arkansas Teacher of the Year Regional Finalist Congratulations to Sarah Story on being selected as one of the thirteen regional finalists for the 2023 Arkansas Teacher of the Year! Sarah currently is a special education teacher at East Side Elementary School and represents Magnolia as the District Teacher of the Year. The regional finalists will be recognized at a special event held Thursday, August 4, 2022, in the Governor’s Mansion, 1800 Center St., Little Rock. During the ceremony, four regional finalists will be announced as the state semifinalists.
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Sarah Story - 2023 Arkansas Teacher of the Year Regional Finalist
It is time for our BIG announcement!!! To raise funds for the East Side Panther Pantry, we will be hosting the first of its kind...….All Sports Camp! Thursday, August 4, 2022 9am-12pm Kindergarten-6th Grade Our All Sports Camp is designed to introduce young athletes to a variety of sports in one setting. Participants will rotate through sports stations with the MHS Coaching Staff and Athletes. Boys will rotate through Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Tennis! Girls will rotate through Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, and Cheer/Dance. The camp will end with a fun water event for all boys and girls! Because of our generous sponsors (WALLER WEALTH MANAGEMENT, FARMERS BANK & TRUST, PEOPLES BANK), all money collected from registrations will go to buy food for the Panther Pantry! SIGN UP DAY OF AT CHECK-IN or ONLINE at this link! You also have the option to sponsor a student! You can do that online! https://all-sports-camp-copy.cheddarup.com Contact: Whitteni Lindsey - Whitteni.lindsey@magnoliaschools.net
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
All Sports Camp for boys and girls from kindergarten -6th grade.  Thursday, August 4, 2022  at the Magnolia High School Auxiliary Gym.  Sign up at check in or online at  https://all-sports-camp-copy.cheddarup.com
The Magnolia School District releases National School Lunch Program Meal Guidelines Click Here to Learn More: https://5il.co/1ec6y
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
School Lunch
Loading…Class and 2023!
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
cap and gown
cap and gown
cap and gown
over 2 years ago, Misty Ward
mascot tryout
MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2022-23 SCHOOL CALENDAR AND EVENTS Click here to view the calendar: https://5il.co/1dh6c
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Attention 2022 Seniors and Parents: Please be aware that there is phone scam going around. The caller says that the student has failed to graduate, and they offer a credit recovery program for a fee. Please disregard this caller; they are not affiliated with the school in any way. Again, this is a scam!
almost 3 years ago, Misty Ward
OLIVIA MUNN SIGNS SOFTBALL SCHOLARSHIP WITH SOUTHARK STARS Magnolia High School 2022 graduate, Olivia Munn, has signed a letter of intent to play softball for South Arkansas Community College in El Dorado. During her senior year with the Lady Panthers, she had a .417 batting average with four home runs. Olivia also had a .563 on-base percentage. Olivia will begin her career with the SouthArk Stars in the spring of the 2022-2023 school year. While enrolled at SouthArk, she will major in elementary special education. Olivia plans to pursue her Master’s degree and hopes to teach in Magnolia one day.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Olivia Munn signs a softball scholarship with SouthArk Stars.
JESSICA ARYEE ACCEPTS POSITION AS NEW MHS PRINCIPAL Magnolia School District Superintendent, John Ward, announced on Monday that Jessica Aryee has accepted the position as the new high school principal at Magnolia. Mrs. Aryee has a clear vision for leadership, focus on academic improvement, and behavioral expectations for the high school. The District looks forward to seeing the high school grow into a cohesive group working together to provide our students with the rigorous academic background needed to be successful beyond graduation. Jessica Aryee has served as the assistant principal at Magnolia High School for the past six years. She is an El Dorado native who graduated from El Dorado High School in 1994. She attended the University of Arkansas in Little Rock where she received a BSE Degree in Elementary Education. She began her teaching career in Little Rock before moving back to El Dorado in 2003. In addition to serving as an assistant principal, she served as a literacy teacher and an instructional facilitator. She holds post-secondary degrees in Curriculum and Instruction and both Building and District Level Administration. Jessica is excited about the opportunity to lead Magnolia High School and become a part of the Magnolia community.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Jessica Aryee - New Magnolia High School Principal
almost 3 years ago, Misty Ward
job openings
Congratulations to Sherry Ferguson, the 2022 recipient of the Dr. John H. Moore "PACE" Award. PACE stands for Passion, Attitude, Courage, and Excellence. Thank you for all you have done for Magnolia High School!
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
MHS would like to recognize our extraordinary teachers who will be retiring this year. Mrs. Hicks has been an integral part of the MSD for 24 years. Mrs. Hicks has done a phenomenal job at building the visual arts department at MHS. Over her time at MHS Mrs. Hicks has worked on 16 proms, 16 art shows, 24 homecomings, many Christmas parade floats, and numerous decorations for luncheons and events. Mrs. Hicks says “I have loved my job as an educator. It has been very rewarding!” Thank you for your dedication to our school, and to your students, and for striving for excellence in all that you do. You will be missed here at MHS.
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix