MHS would like to recognize our extrodinary teachers who will be retiring this year. Ms. Hinton has been an intrigal part of the MSD for 15 years. "I have especially enjoyed teaching 11th graders, and much of my career has been teaching juniors. The lights come on at that age. They see the future in front of them and want to know how to get where they want to end up. I love that, and I'm going to miss it, but there is a time and a season for everything. This is my time to retire!" Thank you for your dedication to our school, and to your students. You will be missed here at MHS.
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Heart bus is not running on Friday 5/27.
almost 3 years ago, Magnolia School District
MHS would like to recognize our extrodinary teachers who will be retiring this year. Mrs. Watson has been an intrigal part of the MSD for 22 years. Mrs. Watson states that her "Favorite thing about teaching is the relationships I have with my students. I have a broad range of experience in working with students of all ages and handicapping conditions." Thank you for your dedication to our school, and to your students. You will be missed here at MHS.
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
Linda Watson
Next week we will dance it out! We will learn the tryout routine and skills on the 23rd and 24th! Dancer will have the option to practice the 25th and 26th! All dancers must be at the tryout, May 27th to tryout and be placed on the squad! Who’s ready to bring it with a new, skilled team? 4:30-6pm - Cheer Facility Monday, 23rd - learn material Tuesday, 24th - finish learning material and draw tryout numbers Wednesday, 25th - practice Thursday, 26th - practice Friday, 27th - tryouts
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
Magnolia Panthers take Shooting Sports Junior Division South Regional Tournament - Receives Donation from Magnolia Junior Charity League The Magnolia Panthers Junior Team 1 recently competed in the South Region Junior Division tournament at the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation Jacksonville Shooting Sports Complex. The team won the event by hitting 111 clays out of 125 attempts. This was a total team effort as members Ike Ainsworth, Hastin Delaney, Wyatt Ainsworth and Kaden Williams all posted scores of 23. Team captain, John Colquitt, held down the anchor position with a score of 19. Second- and third-place teams were so closely matched it came down to a tiebreaker to determine their finishing order. Texarkana Razorback Trap Team Red Squad and Nashville Scrapper Junior 1 both broke 104 clays out of a possible 125, but Texarkana who won the tiebreaker. “The competition can be that tight,” Jimmy Self, Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program coordinator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, said. “We also had another tie for seventh and eighth place in which all five shooters posted identical scores, in that case it comes down to the captain of each team’s score.” Magnolia is one of the top 16 West Region Junior teams to advance to the AYSSP State Championship. The event will be held June 3, where the team will compete against the best shooters from the other three regions. To aid in the costs that Magnolia Trap teams have during the year, the Magnolia Junior Charity League recently made a $1,500 donation to trap coach, Daniel Davis. Much of the money will be used to purchase matching shirts for team to wear at the state competition and provide meals for the team.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Magnolia Junior Charity League Donates to Magnolia Trap Team
Yesterday at the MPAC we had three young ladies graduate. We are so proud of Laurel Adkins, Allie Price, & Madison Wilson!
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
MHS invites you to join us for the 2022 Commencement Ceremony.
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
DEVONTA WALKER SIGNS WITH SAU Magnolia High School senior, Devonta Walker, recently signed a letter of intent to play basketball for Southern Arkansas University. During his senior year for the Magnolia Panthers, Devonta averaged 11.1 points and 6.5 rebounds per game. He also shot 45% from the 3-point line. Devonta was a two time All-Conference selection and was named to the 2022 4A All-State Tournament team. He will begin his career with the SAU Muleriders in the 2022 fall semester.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Devonta Walker signs basketball scholarship with SAU
Congratulation to the Class of 2022!
almost 3 years ago, Misty Ward
Congratulations to Skylar Montgomery, Blake Green and Landon Heinze on their success at the Rubiks Cube competition hosted by South Central Service Cooperative.
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
MHS ALL SPORTS AWARDS CEREMONY The Magnolia High School Athletic Department held its annual All Sports Awards ceremony on Monday, May 16, 2022 in the Performing Arts Center. Athletic director, Dyun Long, first recognized members of the Magnolia School Board and building administrators for their support of the MHS athletic program. Coach Long then recognized the coaching staff from each sport. Coaches then in turn introduced the athletes from each sport that were present at the event. Special acknowledgements were given to senior athletes and awards were given to the outstanding athletes from each sport. The concluding portion of the ceremony was the presentation of the Outstanding Male and Female Athlete Award. The MHS 2022 Outstanding Male Athlete was awarded to De’Raylen Williams and Satiya Rone was named the MHS 2022 Outstanding Female.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
2022 Magnolia High School Outstanding Male and Female Athletes
2022 MHS Outstanding Male Athletes from individual sports
2022 Outstanding Female Athletes from individual sports
DARRELL JONES JR. RECIEVES SAU CHEER SCHOLARSHIP Magnolia High School senior, Darrell Jones, Jr., recently signed a letter of intent with the Southern Arkansas University cheer team. During his career with the MHS cheer team, Darrell was two-year letterman and a two year All-American cheerleader. He will join the SAU Mulerider Cheer team in the 2022 fall semester.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Magnolia High School Cheer Scholarship signing
JANAYI BAKER AND ADRIAN WALKER SIGN LETTERS OF INTENT Magnolia High School senior, Janayi Baker, recently signed her national letter of intent to play basketball for National Park College in Hot Springs. During her senior season for the Lady Panthers, she led the team in assists with five per game, while averaging six points per game. Janayi was also a 4A Region 8 all-conference selection this season. Janayi will play for the NPC Nighthawks this upcoming fall semester. The Nighthawks women's basketball team competes as a Division II program within the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region 2. Senior guard, Adrian Walker, recently signed a letter of intent to play basketball for the SAU Tech Rockets. During his senior season with the MHS Panthers, Adrian averaged10.1 points per game, had a 3-point field goal average of 40%, and shot 72% from the free throw line. He was also named 4A Region 8 all-conference two times in his career. Adrian played on teams that won three conference championships, three regional championships, two state championships, and had a career record of 78-1. He will play for the SAU Tech Rockets next fall semester. SAU Tech plays in the National Junior College Athletic Association Region 2 Division II.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Magnolia High School Scholarship Signing
STUDENT MEDICATION PICKUP Parents of students with medications stored in the school nurse's office are reminded that those medications should be picked up no later than the last day of the school year, May 27. Any medications left in the nurse's office after May 27 will be disposed of by the school nurse in accordance with current laws and rules.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Medicaid Update Arkansas Campaign Medicaid clients are asked to update their contact information with DHS. For more information click here:
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Trace & Levi Loe and Collin Hampton & Lucas Cheatham recently competed in the Arkansas Youth Bass Nation Bassmaster State Fishing Tournament on Greer’s Ferry Lake. Trace and Levi won Big Bass on Day two (3.59 pounds) and also place 11th overall with a total of 16.52 pounds for the two-day tournament. Collin and Lucas placed 13th overall with 16.20 pounds. Over 80 teams participated statewide. Levi and Trace placed high enough in the overall standings to receive an invitation to Nationals in South Carolina in August. The Magnolia Panther Fishing team is very proud of all these students. Fundraisers will be set up this summer to help these boys make it to Nationals. If you would like to help send them, please contact the Fishing Team advisor, Jeanne Boswell, at Magnolia Public Schools.
almost 3 years ago, Katy Nix
Today marks the conclusion of this year’s Magnolia READS event. In the final video, Mrs. Rader and Mrs. Waters share the activities and projects their campuses participated in during the financial literacy project. Mr. Ward joins them in expressing appreciation to the partners and community members who participated in Magnolia READS. Click the link below to view the video.
almost 3 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Final Video
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Magnolia Middle School  Band Concert - May 12 - 6:00 pm - Magnolia Performing Arts Center
MHS STUDENTS RECEIVE CHAD TURNER SHELTER INSURANCE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Three Magnolia High School seniors recently received a $1500 scholarship sponsored by the Chad Turner Shelter Insurance Foundation. Allie Cranston, Riley Hall, and Rushang Patel were chosen from a committee of local high school officials and community leaders. The scholarship is based on scholastic achievements and community activities.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Nipper
Chad Turner Shelter Insurance Foundation scholarship winner.
Chad Turner Shelter Insurance Foundation scholarship winner.
Chad Turner Shelter Insurance Foundation  scholarship winner
As the Magnolia READS financial literacy project ends, Lionel Davis, a senior at MHS in the Work-based Learning class, shares what he has learned as an intern working multiple jobs this year. Click the link below to hear Lionel’s journey as a student intern and what he has learned about financial literacy and being an employee at a young age.
almost 3 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Lionel Davis